Floral Bees

Floral Bees


“Wildflowers + Bee”

“Snapdragon + Bee”

“Spanish Lavender + Bee”

“Cosmo + Bee”


Floral Bee prints available as 8x10” archival prints.

Prints are produced to order in my home studio. Each is printed on archival paper and arrives signed, packaged with acid free backing boards, and protected inside an eco-friendly sleeve. Pieces are printed from my original watercolors and embellished with metallic ink.

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Black + White Poppies

Black + White Poppies

lake geneva #4.jpg

Lake Geneva #4 ~ Limited Edition Print

Cecropia Moth

Cecropia Moth

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl

Florals + Bouquets sunflower bouquet.jpg

Florals + Bouquets

from $25.00